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Is Calvin Johnson on Dancing With the Stars Again

Calvin Johnson crushed another "Dancing with the Stars" performance.

After finishing with the best overall score last week, Johnson and his partner, Lindsay Arnold, kicked off Monday's show with their version of the Charleston on Cirque de Soleil dark. They performed the Charleston in the theme of the Cirque show "Kurios."

While it was a longer -- and theoretically harder -- routine than the starting time three performances for Johnson, it actually fit his own style well. In that location were a lot of lifts required and precise footwork involved, something that benefited the six-human foot-5 former All-Pro wide receiver.

"Information technology's a loftier-paced dance," Johnson said in the taped segment before the dance. "And yous have to be on your toes the whole freakin' time."

Johnson even admitted stamina was a factor every bit he prepared for the dance.

He had a little bit of a reveal besides. For the first time in a long time, he's under 230 pounds. Johnson said in the post-trip the light fantastic live interview he'southward downwardly to around 228 pounds later most spending most of his football career between 230 and 240 pounds.

Johnson'southward wife, Brittney, showed up on camera during the taped segment also and possibly offered some more insight into his retirement.

"A year ago, I don't think anyone would have said Calvin is going to be 31, retired and dancing with the stars," Brittney said.

Johnson said 6 months ago he didn't think he'd be on the prove and simply nodded when Brittney said she idea he'd be playing video games on the couch.

Instead, he's dancing and doing quite well. With what appeared to be somewhat of a country-western theme, Johnson was in a brown belong with a blueish shirt and brown pants. He took on some challenging lifts, including lifting Arnold over his head while she was upside down.

His footwork, unsurprisingly, was flawless.

"If we can smash this stuff, aww, it'due south going to be really good," Johnson in the taped interview.

And then he did.


A photo posted past Calvin Johnson, Jr. (@megatron) on

In something that volition surprise no ane, the part Johnson likes to the lowest degree is getting the scores from the judges because "it's never perfect enough for me." That, for the beginning time, sounds familiar to what Johnson used to say in the NFL.

Equally always, hither are the comments and scores from the judges. If you desire to catch upward on his prior performances, you lot tin read about them hither, here and here. Tuesday night is a double-emptying show.

Julianne Hough (7): "Well, howdy, Twinkletoes. Literally you guys were so light on your anxiety, which is exactly what the Charleston is about. It's nearly fun, being quirky, light on those feet. You guys completely nailed it. Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen. And then gorgeous, so cute. I felt similar there was some times I would have liked to see a little scrap more energy toward the end and I tin tell these dances are a lot longer this week. And then maybe that's simply what it was but overall what a bully manner to open up the dark."

Bruno Tonioli (eight): "Ah, Calvin, the showman with superpowers. You were tossing her in the air every bit if she was a pancake. Upwardly she goes. Oh my God. Hopefully you're not scared of tiptop because I'll tell ya, I'd be petrified. How did you lot practice it, I have no idea. But you're turning into a Marvel agent of fun. Your performance level has changed so much during the last few weeks. It'southward incredible. So good. Your timing was excellent. A couple of times, you lot have to lookout man, when you do these precipitous flicks, you accept to have the speed a little more than tense. Don't allow them fluff about."

Carrie Ann Inaba (8): "Well, in that location were a lot of lifts tonight only considering it's Cirque de Soleil I'm going to let all the lifts go tonight. And so all good. Something about your lifts, which was really impressive, a lot of times the athletic guys become for the lifts because it's an piece of cake, fun matter and it impresses us. Only it was the mode that you lot came out of every lift that was gorgeous. It was all seamless. Y'all caught her. She was always in the right identify. Information technology was really fantastic. Your footwork was fantastic. Everything about that was fine."


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